Rigpa Barcelona

Enllaç: https://rigpameditacion.org

Tradició: Rigpa

Descripció: Rigpa Spain is a non-profit association supported by volunteers who donate part of their time to support the different activities of the association. Our goal is to present meditation and Tibetan Buddhism in a totally authentic and genuine way for the life and needs of today's men and women. We hope that this web page is useful for you and that you contact us for any questions.

Organització matriu: Rigpa

Contacte: Fernanda Bolívar

Correu electrònic de contacte: rigpabcn.coordinacion@gmail.com

Telèfon de contacte: +34 653 362 904

Calle: c/ Calabria, 143-147, entresuelo 3,

Ciutat: 08015 Barcelona