Meditación Barcelona


Tradició: unbound

Descripció: We are a non-profit meditation organization and our objective is to accompany and promote the practice of meditation in Barcelona through a guided meditation program that will improve people's quality of life, as well as strengthen their immune system and generate balance. emotional and mental. We are committed to bringing meditation to the general public by providing a place dedicated to the practice of deep meditation. Opening our meditation center every day of the week, we offer individual and group guided meditation, we promote social activities and meetings, nature walks, among others. Our mission is to help people and the community in general to build and live in a more peaceful and empathetic world through meditation. During the process and after completing the meditation, by opening our minds and hearts, people realize how important and significant it is to help others with the talent or tools that we have available, generating a change of consciousness for the better. welfare and common development.

Organització matriu: unbound

Correu electrònic de contacte:

Telèfon de contacte: +34 930 236 102

Calle: c/ Rosselló 317, Principal primera,